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We Believe In Life Balance, Not Work-Life Balance

Data Blocks
Data Blocks

Here at Teletrac Navman we don’t believe in work-life balance, we believe in life balance. The last twelve months have taught us that the lines are blurred more than ever between home and work. Whether you’re on-the-road, in an office or out in the field it’s proving more and more difficult to distinguish and disconnect from the day-to-day grind.

Just in time for the long weekend, we whipped around the team to share some of their tips on disconnecting, refreshing, and making the most of leave.

Find a ‘switch off’ hobby

Do you struggle with shutting off your noggin? Our Head of Operations, Simon McCaughan, recommends finding a hobby where you “simply can’t think of anything other than what you’re doing”. Simon finds first-person online warfare games a relaxing and therapeutic hobby. It’s important to note here, that not everyone may find Call of Duty ‘relaxing’, find what works for you.

Don’t take home the day

I’m sure like me, many of you are quick to cut the ties from the day and jump straight into your responsibilities at 5.01pm (or least be honest, a little later). Consider a daily routine of taking time to transition between the two.  Natalie Cross, our Provisioning & Fulfilment Supervisor, is an avid believer in taking a walk between work and returning home.  “Take the time to shift your focus, so you’re not taking home your day.” This allows her to be more relaxed and focus on her family when she gets there.

Disconnect and compute

Make and take time to think, our brains receive millions of pieces of information every day, maybe it’s time to stop and ponder.  Anna Lehmann, our Marketing Operations Specialist, is a fan of completely disconnecting from technology (no cell service or wi-fi was even threatened!), taking a looooong walk and just thinking. “There is a lot of data to process, I like taking the time during a walk to really think things through, then when I get back, I top it off with some great tunes.”

Go get some endorphins

Yew Leong Chee, our Director of Software Development, enjoys getting out into nature with his kids. A double hit of feel good factors, exercise, and family. “I’ll practically do anything that’s not in-front of a computer”, Yew Leong also ensure he carves out time every day to spend with his family.

Phone a friend

Our Service Coordinator Team Leader, Hermine Teleahiva, loves to hang out with friends to relax. There is nothing like having a great laugh or venting to someone who understands you, to make your mood a little lighter. Surround yourself with great people, who build you up and believe in you, but most of all, have a bit of fun.

Give yourself permission

What do I recommend? Take your pick. I advocate giving yourself permission to do something for yourself. Want to binge watch that new Netflix series over the long weekend? Do it. Get a baby-sitter just because? Do it. Dirty dishes in the sink? I dare you to ignore them. Life is challenging and busy, give yourself permission to relax.

The Teletrac Navman team hopes you have found a little inspiration. So, get out there and do something this long weekend… or not.


Photography credit: Jon Flobrant

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