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How Vehicle Tracking Solutions Can Reduce Paperwork

Data Blocks
Data Blocks

Many of New Zealand’s small and medium businesses can benefit from automating previously manual processes by applying digital technologies, according to New Zealand’s Productivity Commission.

Although moving to digital can seem daunting, it presents an opportunity for businesses to improve across the board. The new generation of AI-enabled fleet management solutions and vehicle tracking systems are easy-to-use software designed with the operator, the driver, the allocator, and everyone else in the business – in mind.

Benefits for staff

The more that is completed digitally, the less time is spent completing admin tasks, especially time spent chasing down colleagues for information. It brings accuracy, clarity, and a world of insights previously unobtainable. Peace of mind comes as processes around jobs, compliance and more, can be automated with a vehicle GPS tracking solution.  

Benefits for the business

Owners and senior managers can better understand the operation, improve on compliance management efforts, and uncover inefficiencies through the data that the fleet already produces. Removing paper speeds up processes and prevents employees from doubling up on work, helping everyone focus on more strategic initiatives and becoming more productive.  

Benefits for customers

Customers will experience a faster, smoother, and more streamlined service. Many transport operators find that customers respond well to invoicing when it’s backed by solid data and clear processes. Plus, knowing that the transport leg of their supply chain is compliant and safe is important for customers too – as they can rest assured that they’re adhering to health and safety law across the chain of responsibility.

Top 3 digital transport management technologies

These fleet management tools will reduce paperwork and manual processes both in the cab and at the back office:

  1. Electronic RUC

If you haven’t shifted to eRUC – this should be an absolute priority for reducing admin time and ensuring compliance. An electronic Road User Charges (eRUC) solution manages, purchases, displays and updates road user licences automatically. Teletrac Navman’s solution uses high-definition GPS data to calculate both on- and off-road activity for accurate, NZTA-accepted RUC refunds.

  1. Electronic forms and documents

Step two, look at your paper forms. What can be converted into an easy digital form? What can be stored digitally? Using in-cabin technology, drivers can complete pre-start checklists that are directly sent to the head mechanic and fleet manager. This means any issues are raised instantly and compliance is checked off. It can streamline Proof Of Delivery, with the ability for multiple fields, including photos and signatures, to be sent direct to the back office - along with timestamps and GPS data – to feed into fast invoices.

  1. Electronic logbooks

To simplify compliance and leap through audits, an electronic version of traditional logbooks is key. It helps drivers to manage their fatigue and stick to work time rules. With Teletrac Navman’s NZTA-approved eLogbook, drivers simply tap the screen to start and stop work hours—location and time data is automatically recorded. The screen shows a countdown with how much time the driver has left, before they’re required to take a break. The back-office can view all drivers’ records, which helps with planning out schedules.

Moving to digital is a great opportunity for businesses in New Zealand to reduce paperwork, manual processes, and to improve and help with planning. Vehicle tracking systems is an example of a digital solution that can benefit their customers, their staff, and ultimately their overall productivity.


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