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Teletrac Navman

Getting Smart About Preventative Maintenance For Your Construction Assets

Data Blocks
Data Blocks

You’re in the middle of a contracted job and a major piece of required equipment begins to malfunction. You can’t remember when the last check-up was but it can’t have been long ago. Arranging a service would mean delaying the project, so you hope for the best. No luck. Suddenly it breaks down, causing workplace injuries and putting the project on hold. It’s an expensive worst-case scenario most want to avoid. 

When you’re running operations across different locations, preventing asset breakdowns is challenging. But once GPS fleet tracking is installed across your fleet and assets, you have eyes everywhere - all from your desk. With real-time data, you can stay on top of maintenance schedules with no more unexpected costs or potentially dangerous breakdowns.

Save Money with Less Breaks

Real-time data on every machine and vehicle means you can budget ahead of time for maintenance checks and ensure you’re not out of pocket when a scheduled service occurs. Well maintained vehicles are less taxing on resources and become a longer lasting asset. With regular scheduling and preventative maintenance, staying on top of your assets becomes a simple feat.

Reduce Unexpected Surprises

In construction, it’s not always easy. Malfunctions are inevitable. If you’re unaware of how your vehicles are running or where in the life cycle your machinery is, it could blow up in your face. Setting alerts lets you know when a service check is approaching. For example, a week before your scraper is due for maintenance, an email will be sent to your back-office staff and maintenance team.

Operator behaviour is a common cause of over-spending on maintenance. A driver breaking harshly or idling the engine for extended periods of time can be costly to your business. With telematics, you gain a new view of information, in real-time, enabling proactive decision making. The ability to be notified instantly when things go wrong allows you to change habits and fix issues before they become a problem. 

Another nasty surprise, one that a Domino’s store in Hamilton recently experienced, is having your assets stolen. Using Teletrac Navman’s inbuilt GPS tracking technology, the police quickly tracked down the car. 

Say Goodbye to Paperwork

Depending on your business, machinery may be on different sites at different stages of the project. Staying compliant and having equipment at peak performance is crucial, yet you don’t want to service everything at once or you’ll waste time and money. With telematics installed across your assets, the system does the scheduling. You can input vehicle and equipment specs to track usage and be notified when it’s time for a service, based on time spent in use or calendar days. It then tracks how all your equipment is running, including how fuel use and how long they sit idly. For example, if there’s a time of year when a piece of machinery isn’t used, you can take that opportunity to get it up to code or better utilise it with the information available to you.

Maintenance is an important, unavoidable and time-consuming part of the job. By putting it in the hands of smart technology, you can get back to your projects and keep the site running like clockwork.

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