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Telematics Glossary

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The telematics industry is growing at an incredible rate and more and more fleet managers and media outlets are talking about the products and services available. In order to keep the conversation moving, we’ve created this resource to help make the industry easier to understand. There are many different terms and acronyms used in the telematics industry. This glossary is a collection of the most commonly used terms and acronyms and what they mean. We will continually update this page as new terms are coined or become more relevant.

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What is GPS Fleet Tracking?

Today’s satellite global positioning system, or GPS, is the basis for a technology popular with commercial motor vehicle operators in asset management — which can include vehicles, equipment and personnel.

What is Telematics?

Telematics, in its broad definition, refers to remote communications (telos is a classical word meaning long distance) and informatics, a combined term based on information and automatic or automated.

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing is a technological advancement in GPS fleet management that can be applied in different ways, for varying purposes. As a basic definition, geofencing is simply the capability to use signals from a device to pinpoint that device’s location (known as geolocation or geotracking) and draw a digital boundary to encircle the area, the fencing part of the word.

What is Fleet Management Software?

Fleet tracking software is the central hub for receiving and sending information to all fleet vehicles, equipment and operators. Powerful software facilitates rapid data exchange, transforming these streams of telemetry into usable information.

What is an At-Risk Driver?

Identifying at-risk drivers and providing appropriate training for them can eliminate possible safety issues and improve the overall safety of your businesses.

What is Fleet Maintenance?

Fleet maintenance is the process of keeping your vehicles operating in a good enough condition so that they are safe, reliable and can stay on the road longer. Developing a preventative maintenance programme is an integral part of managing a fleet and helps businesses reduce operating costs and improve vehicle inspection outcomes, among other benefits.

What is Equipment Management?

Equipment management includes managing, monitoring and maintenance of both motorised assets and non-motorised equipment. Effective equipment management can make a major difference to & productivity and efficiency.

What is Fleet Optimisation?

Fleet optimisation is making the most effective use of your fleet and can be linked with the layman’s terms best practice and cost cutting. Fleet optimisation is all about maximising productivity.

What is Predictive Maintenance?

Predictive maintenance can help identify which equipment needs maintenance more regularly and which problem areas can occur frequently.

What is Preventative Maintenance?

Preventative maintenance is the routine maintenance required to keep your fleet vehicles and equipment in top working condition.

What is Asset Tracking?

There is great value in knowing where everything is at any given time that is why most construction companies are using asset tracking to operate diverse fleets of movable and fixed assets across multiple jobs sites.

What is MRM (Mobile Resource Management)?

Mobile resource management, or MRM, refers to monitoring and tracking a variety of mobile assets. In the trucking industry, these are generally heavy-rigid local delivery trucks and semi-trailer heavy-vehicle combinations. On construction and mining job sites, these mobile assets may include heavy machinery and other equipment used on-site. In delivery fleets, the assets are often box trucks and other motor vehicles.

What is Fleet Management?

Fleet management is a system of technologies and procedures that helps organisations to use their resources with maximum efficiency and cost control. A variety of businesses operate fleets that include both vehicles and non-motorised assets, such as auxiliary equipment or heavy machinery. Fleet management optimises productivity, routing, equipment maintenance, fuel management and more, for your operation.

What are GPS Tracking Devices in Fleet Vehicles?

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system used to track vehicles and drivers in real time.

What are Road User Charges?

Road User Charges (RUC) are a form of pre-paid levies that help fund the upkeep of New Zealand’s public roads. Heavy vehicles like trucks, pay their share via Road User Charges, the levy is based on distance travelled.

What is Driver Fatigue?

Driver fatigue can be more serious than a feeling of tiredness, it is one of the most common hazards on the road today.

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving describes any situation in which a driver’s attention is not fully focused on the road and the safe operation of their vehicle. There are three main types of distracted driving (manual, visual and cognitive) that can all result in a major safety threat not only to drivers, but to everyone who shares the road with them.

What is Asset Tracking?

Asset tracking is a way to always know the location of physical assets. Most construction companies  are operating diverse fleets of movable and fixed assets across multiple jobs sites and also on-road, there’s great value in knowing where everything is at any given time. The three main benefits of using construction asset tracking are: 1. Cost savings 2. Theft protection 3. Preventative maintenance.

What is Field Service Management?

Field service management is how businesses can balance dynamic demands and efficiently allocate a variety of resources where they are needed the most.

What is Fringe Benefit Tax?

Employers pay a fringe benefit tax (FBT) on non-cash benefits received by employees, shareholders, or other people associated with the business. Benefits include items like work vehicles available for personal use, subsidies such as health insurance or gym memberships, and discounts on goods or services.

What is the difference between predictive and preventative maintenance?

Preventative maintenance is pre-planned scheduling, whereas predictive maintenance is based on real-time data on the overall equipment health and performance.