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GPS Fleet Tracking Software - 5 Benefits of the Latest Technology


Key Takeaways

Managing a fleet of vehicles is no easy task. Digitisation and automation are the key to scalability and GPS fleet tracking software can help, but only if you’re using the system to its potential.

This article will discuss how a fleet tracking system can improve efficiency, increase customer satisfaction, reduce the administrative burden, prioritise driver safety, and simplify compliance by going paperless your current processes.

Improve Fleet Efficiency

Efficiency is the key to profitability in the digital age. Today’s fleet tracking software offers a wide range of features that keep remote workers connected to the business and maximise workflow efficiency. The latest innovations in vehicle telematics connects to a wide range of mobile driver apps that enable you to digitise almost any process, including:

  • Pre-Trip checklists and forms: Pre-trip checklists and forms make it easier to perform and submit data, complete with photo upload, signatures and more information directly from an in-vehicle driver device.
  • Digital workflows: By automating and digitising the business, drivers can complete processes easily from the one device, ensuring data entry is accurate and records are instantly updated.
  • Route optimisation: Ensure that drivers are adhering to predefined routes and provide turn-by-turn navigation based on specific criteria.
  • Dispatching & Job Management: Create daily run sheets or ad-hoc jobs and assign them to your remote team, with clear actions and destination routing. Add or remove stops in real-time, accurately communicate arrival times with customers.
  • Proof of delivery: Ensure that all pickups and deliveries are made with customer confirmation, in the form of signature capture and photos.
  • Driver communication: Update drivers in real-time via a dedicated in-cab communication channel.
Improve Efficiency


Customer Satisfaction

We all know it’s more cost-effective to keep an existing customer than to acquire a new one. That’s why customer experience is so important. When it comes to good customer experience, using the latest technology to gain a competitive advantage and differentiate your offering is important. Here’s how the latest GPS fleet tracking technology can help you improve customer satisfaction:

  • Faster service: Location tracking and route optimisation help ensure the closest vehicle is dispatched in the quickest amount of time.
  • Brand value: Taking proactive steps that demonstrate your commitment to driver safety and environmental responsibility can help to establish your reputation as a responsible provider.
  • Accurate billing: Bill your customers accurately and quickly and settle any billing disputes before they affect the relationship.
  • Reduced ETA windows: Provide better data to customers as to when, where, and how the job will take place. Don’t make customers wait endlessly for a delivery or service technician to show up.

GPS Fleet Tracking Reduces Admin Time

Paper-based processes will bog down any business. GPS fleet tracking offers multiple ways to reduce administrative burden and improve back-office efficiencies.

  • Digital Forms: Conditional logic and automated calculations speed up data capture and remove humor-error. Digital forms don’t get lost or damaged and you can ensure that all required fields are captured and that employees are not skipping vital information. The information captured is also instantly available so you avoid the knowledge lag that you see with paper processes.
  • Two-Way Communication: The ability to communicate with drivers in real-time, including changing, adding, or removing stops, is crucial to a successful back office. Keep customers informed with real-time status updates from your fleet management dashboard.
  • Automated Reports: Set up automated reporting for several different features, such as road user charges, fatigue, and driver availability, virtually eliminating manual processes that negatively impact efficiency.
  • Single System: The latest fleet tracking software can be used to manage a wide range of fleet management processes including maintenance, job management, routing, driver safety and compliance. Standardising into a single platform will help your team quickly access the information they need.
Reduce Admin Time


Driver Safety

Driver Safety plays a major role in GPS fleet tracking. In fact, most modern fleet tracking technologies, including high-definition cameras, are designed to improve on-road safety. In the latest fleet tracking technology, you will get key safety features including:

  • Integrated cameras: Dashboard cameras serve a multitude of purposes, including driver safety. Proactive driver coaching for on-road incidents, such as speeding, tailgating, and rolling stops, is a critical component of a fleet safety program. 
  • Driver Scorecards: Driver safety scorecards pinpoint every time your drivers engage in risky and unsafe driving behaviours. This information can be used for training or to develop rewards and recognition programs for your best drivers.
  • In-Cab Alerts: Drivers are alerted to poor driving behaviors, such as harsh cornering, harsh braking, and harsh acceleration, in real-time. Set your own alert thresholds and use the data for future training programs.
  • Maintenance Management: Mechanical issues are a major cause of most on-road safety incidents. Predictive Maintenance and Preventative Maintenance can both help reduce safety hazards and keep your fleet and drivers on the road longer.
Driver Safety


Compliance Management

Last, but not least is Compliance Management — the heart and soul of any good fleet management software. Maintaining compliance helps your fleet avoid costly fines and helps keep your vehicles on the road. Here are the fleet tracking tools you need to remain compliant:

  • Electronic Driver Logbook (EDL): An NZTA approved EDL is something that can easily benefit your drivers and the business in real-time. See driver status, work and rest hours available, and more on a real-time dashboard. Drivers get access to an easy to use application that not only records key hours of service updates, but clearly outlines available hours and rest break requirements.
  • Road User Charges (RUC): Using an NZTA approved RUC Management system to help electronically manage the purchasing and distribution of RUC licences across your fleet in real-time is important in today's modern environment.
Compliance And Regulation 570X543



The latest GPS fleet tracking software offers many ways to improve efficiency through digital transformation and automation. From route optimisation and improved communication to vehicle inspections and maintenance, these tools are helping businesses reach their full potential.

Take a look at our GPS fleet management software and see how we could help your operation.