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Teletrac Navman

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Priceright Parts and Machinery

Data Blocks
Data Blocks

Priceright Parts and Machinery has benefitted in these ways from installing Teletrac Navman's technology:

  • Peace of mind over employee safety
  • Improvement in overall productivity
  • A business that works smarter
  • Accurate charging out of machine hours
  • Digital maintenance records
  • Significant savings in road user charges

“Having the Teletrac Navman system has made our business more efficient by being able to accurately cost all jobs. We also know that we’re getting the most out of employee work hours.”

Michelle Tyler – Business Development Manager, Priceright Parts and Machinery

 Priceright Parts & Machinery Ltd was originally founded in 1978 and has operated as a family business ever since. The Rotorua-based company, which employs over 20 people, offers a full range of new construction, forestry and plant equipment, and a plant hire service.

Business Development Manager Michelle Tyler initially decided to install Teletrac Navman tracking for health and safety reasons. “A lot of our staff work in remote areas and down roads that aren’t used a lot so it was very important for us to be able to see who was where,” Michelle said. “We track our vehicles with M-Navs and our plant equipment with Qtanium 350s and use the system to monitor who has arrived back at the workshop at the end of each working day. It’s great that you can check the status of your fleet on your phone with the app. Even if we’ve left the office for the day and still have employees on the road, all we have to do is click on the app and we can see that everyone got back safely.”

Because of the nature of working in remote areas, employees didn’t have any issues with the tracking units being installed into their vehicles because they knew it was for their own safety. “There have been a few accidents in the forestry industry recently and health and safety is a priority. Our staff were more than willing to get the vehicles tracked,” added Michelle.

Another major benefit Priceright Parts and Machinery has received from the Teletrac Navman system is being able to accurately charge out their staff and hire equipment to customers. “We use Teletrac Navman to accurately charge for mileage and it also makes our operations more efficient by allowing us to see on screen who is closest to a job. In case of a call out we can easily reroute drivers based on their locations to the job site.”

Being able to accurately charge customers means disputes over hours on site or mileage aren’t an issue for the business. “It helps us provide better customer service to clients because they know they’re getting an accurate call out rate for labour and mileage. We also save money on mileage by being able to route the closest vehicle,” said Michelle. “We have a reputation of being honest and reliable and the Teletrac Navman system helps back that up. So far we haven’t had to use any reports to resolve a customer dispute but, should one arise, we’ve got peace of mind that we can quickly respond to any queries.

“For the hire vehicles all I have to do is wave my mouse pointer over the machine name and I can see the engine hours. This means I can accurately charge our hire hours to customers each month. It also means customers can receive their invoice faster.” Thanks to tracking, the company has also seen significant savings in road user charges. “Having the Teletrac Navman system has saved us thousands in road user charges. It’s been a huge benefit being able to claim back those charges,” said Michelle.

Another benefit the company receives is the ongoing support provided by Teletrac Navman to the business. “Every time we ask a question about the system Teletrac Navman has called us back or come into the office to answer it. They’ve been fantastic and have given us great customer support.”

“The Teletrac Navman system has saved us thousands in road user charges.”

Michelle Tyler – Business Development Manager, Priceright Parts and Machinery